“Accelerator” Science and Research Establishment |
NSC KIPT carries out activities in the field of accelerator physics, development of linear accelerators and their usage in various branches of fundamental and applied physics from the date of its establishment in 1928. Works on development and creation of linear resonance electron accelerators were started in KIPT in the middle of the last century. Eight linear resonance electron accelerators were created in NSC KIPT together with other enterprises of the USSR in 1991. “Accelerator” Science and Research Establishment is the leading division of National Science Center “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology” in the field of accelerator physics, development and use of linear electron accelerators. It was established in 1994 on the basis of the institute’s department which was engaged in operation and development of the largest linear accelerator LEA-2000. The main areas of “Accelerator” Science and Research Establishment activity are:
For the last twenty years (1991-2011) 8 linacs with various characteristics have been developed and created (modernized), today 6 of them work in “Accelerator” Science and Research Establishment. Researches are carried out in various fields of accelerator physics, nuclear and physical processes in the interaction of accelerated particles with substances. The main are as follows: In the mid-nineties of the last century wide experience of “Accelerator” Science and Research Establishment employees and availability of acceleration equipment provided conditions to start research in the field of use of photonuclear methods for production of medical isotopes. Studying of conditions of photonuclear production of medical radioisotopes was the main task of this research in order to determine the nomenclature of the isotopes which production by this method could be commercially effective. This research included not only the determination of conditions for the maximum increase of isotope yield, but also evaluation of production and operation stages. “Accelerator” Science and Research Establishment of NSC KIPT is one of the Ukrainian leading enterprises in the field of radiation processing of medical and food products. Directions of developments chosen by “Accelerator” Science and Research Establishment of NSC KIPT in the current economic conditions have provided not only preservation of knowledge and experience, but development of the division and experimental capability of NSC KIPT. |